Improving Human and Animal Health With Protein Engineering.

Animal Health

Along with the potential of Trophogen's technology for improving human health, our company also feels an obligation to direct its efforts in part to develop products that would advance animal healthcare.

Population growth has a direct effect on the animal health industry. The amount of food that will be needed for human consumption continues to increase, as well as the need for continued safety of the food supply. Additionally, there will be a greater need for products that will benefit the pet industry. More people than ever are pet owners, and are naturally concerned for the welfare of their treasured companion animals.

With an increasing human population as well as increasing livestock herd sizes, there is always the possibility of new pathogen evolution. Improving the health and genetic makeup of livestock not only increases the efficiency of food production, but it may also decrease the risk of new diseases that could potentially cross the animal/human barrier.

FSH for Cow Superstimulation

Animal Health Products
1. Recombinant, long acting, high potency bovine FSH superagonist analog for superovulation and embryo transfer in beef and dairy cows - in clinical trials now.

2. Recombinant, long acting, high potency equine CG super -agonist analog for reduced time to & synchronization of estrus in pigs and other animals.

3. Recombinant, long acting, high potency bovine LH superagonist analog for maintenance of pregnancy in beef and dairy cows.

4. Recombinant, long acting, high potency TSH superagonist for imaging and therapy of thyroid cancer in dogs and other animals. 

5. Recombinant, long acting, high potency VEGF superagonist for imaging and therapy of thyroid and other cancers in dogs and other animals.

Trophogen Inc. 2023